sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011




Profr: Jorge Guadalupe Martinez De La Rosa.

Torres Tostado Fernando Guadalupe

Gpo: 203

Bloque 1.
Redaccion de una descripción comparando dos lugares que tu conoces.

los angeles california is bigger than mexico, but the commercial center of Mexico is larger than the angels, in Mexico there is a large aquatic parqru but the largest that has the city of Los Angeles, in Mexico the more good the food in Los Angeles.
the Los Angeles Zoo is more beautiful than that of Mexico that is more ferocious animal.
but I like more the angels.

Bloque 2.
1.- Redaccion en donde describas las actividades pasadas relacionadas con tu niñez.
when I was a kid I liked to go to parties that what they most wanted was to hit the piñata.
I also liked playing with the children who lived near my house because we played different types of games such as hide and seek, the burned, throwing the ball at the wheel of San Miguel, etc.
I loved to watch Teletubbies, Barney, Blue's Clues and Dragon Ball Z.
But besides all that I liked to go to kindergarten to give me money to buy sweets.

2.- Redaccion de un texto donde menciones los problemas o contratiempos que tuvistes cuando viajastes a algun lugar.
well as some of the setbacks that have made me when I have traveled to somewhere is that I have forgotten the bag of my clothes, I had the truck passed, the truck he was riding broke down, he had forgotten library card to my mom, my I forgot my cell phone, etc.

Bloque 3.
Redaccion de un reglamento para tu escuela utilizando las estructuras vistas y el vobabulario.
1 .- not throw garbage out of place
2 .- respect the teachers
3 .- bring everyday uniform
4 .- enter either swaddled
5.-cut the hair properly
6.-not late
7.-fulfill all tasks
8.-have a lot of discipline
9.-peer respect
10.-respecting patriotic symbol

Bloque 4.
Redaccion de una descripcion de tus planes del future acerca de: ¿que te gustaria estudiar?¿donde te gustaría vivir?¿cuantos hijos te gustaría tener? Utilizando las estructuras gramaticales vistas.
What would you study? teacher
Where you would like to live? los angeles california
How many children would you like? three children

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